
The browser turns itself into the foundation to help your web apps/extensions make self-custody, providing new dedicated credential store and APIs. Therefore, you can easily build self-custody apps using two APIs, window.ssi and browser.ssi.

ℹ️NOTE: Browser will not provide so-called “wallet” because store and setting don’t/shouldn’t have the ability to communicate to external.


Credential Store Service

It is the internal dedicated store for credentials such like secret key, which is protected with isolated process model and encryption. Separation of concerns provides a consistent service interface regardless of whether the actual data resides in the file system, on the Secure Element(SE), or on separate hardware. Accessed via internal privileged services from browser.ssi.


It is the core API (if chrome, it would be named chrome.ssi), which bridges the tasks related to credentials such like sign/decrypt between internal module and user land. It also provides setting states while paying attention to privacy and security, basically which are what user can choose whether to make open. General web extensions can use it in its background script and content script. Also, general web apps can use it via window.ssi.


It is the most accessible API that is widely published on the web. General web extensions and general web apps can use it anywhere.